Okay, warning in advance. I'm going to stick my toes in shark infested waters here. I do this mostly because I have been asked a couple of times about how we, as a Christian school with a growing racially diverse enrollment, will handle the ongoing conflict over the Confederate flag, also known as the Stars and Bars. So, let me tell you up front, that this question is one that we are reviewing and seeking the guidance of the Holy Spirit so that we are able to address it from a biblical and spiritually sensitive position. This is not a simple matter because there are several different perspectives that all must be considered.
Let me begin by saying that I am a son of the South, born and raised here in our great state. I have deep roots in the history of the South and in the confederacy. My great grandfather had two uncles killed at Gettysburg, fighting for General Robert E. Lee. I say that, not to elevate the confederacy nor defend the flag in question. Long preceding my roots in the confederacy, my roots were in America and I am simply an American, first, last and always. I only want the reader to know the perspective from which I write. And there is where the real problem exists, the matter of multiple perspectives and attitudes about this flag. For some, it is a symbol of slavery, a horrible and sad blight in our national history. For others it is a symbol of heritage. Some see it as simply a part of the fabric of U.S. history, while for still another group it means the continuation of slavery, hatred, racism and denial of civil rights in America. For some, like myself, it is a direct connection to my roots, even though, as far as I can trace back, no one in my family ever owned slaves. For others it is simply a matter of regional pride. For many it is yet another thing that is creating racial division in America, while others see being forced to remove it as yet another threat to our freedom of speech and expression. And the thing that makes this issue so volatile is that most of these different perspectives are held by very passionate and vocal people.
So, where does a Christian, and in our case, a Christian school, go to seek answers for what to do when vehicles driven by faculty, staff, or students may bear some emblem that includes this flag? How do we address students wearing clothing that bears that controversial emblem? Believe me, these aren't easy questions to answer. But one thing you can be sure of is that in a matter like this, one that involves so many passionate opinions, we are going to turn to our one consistent source of guidance, the Word of God. As opportunities to address this issue, as well as others of a controversial nature are offered to us, we covet your prayers, patience and commitment to the mandates of Scripture. Philippians 2:3-4 teaches a biblical principle called deference. This simply means that each of us, as believers, should respectfully and humbly submit to the judgment and opinions of others. "With a humble spirit let each of us consider others better than ourselves. Do not just look after your own self interests but be willing to put others ahead of yourself." Counter cultural? To be sure. Counter intuitive? Perhaps. But, let's let the Bible and the Holy Spirit be our guide in all these things.
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