All of us are concerned about investments. We watch the stock market climb and we are excited but underneath that euphoria lies this little dark thought. Eventually that has to stop and there will be some type of economic correction. There will be a drop. How much will we lose when it comes? What if we've been duped and our money is invested in some type of Ponzi scheme? How will I be able to make it when I retire if I don't invest wisely?
Jesus, in His sermon on the mount, gave sage advice on the value of investing wisely. He said, "Lay up treasure in eternal things that stand the eternal value test." We trust our money to investors here, and I have one I trust who is good at his job, but even the best can't predict the future of our fragile economy and even the most certain stock investments are, at best, gambles. What Jesus spoke of is not a gamble. It is a sure thing, no way to lose. Invest in the eternal market.
I have committed my life to Christian education because I believe that this is one of the ways I can best invest in children and teens. As a parent I put my children in Christian schools when they were still young because I knew the value of investing in their eternal future. My wife and I can see the return on this investment today with all our kids actively living the Christian life and raising their kids to do the same.
One of the keys to building up a substantial retirement investment portfolio is to start investing very early in life. I have taught students over the years that just putting aside $25-$30 a month consistently will compound to pretty nice nest egg if the economy holds strong. But, you know me, and so you know this blog is not about investing money in retirement accounts. I'm no financial investment expert. This is about investing early in the eternal future of your kids. It's about making sure they get a strong biblical worldview instilled in them early.
All people develop a worldview, that is, they way they view God, the world, man, life, eternity, family, career, money, everything about life. Our worldview is the lens through which view all aspects of life. Psychologists tell us that a person's worldview is fully shaped by the age of ten, fourth grade. Scary, isn't it? You look at that little kindergarten child as they watch TV, go to school, meet new people, sit under your teaching at home and realize that everything they come in contact with helps shape that worldview. Want to know what is even more sobering? Your child's school has him/her seven waking hours each day. You have them about four. THAT's why the attitude, "I'll put them in the elementary school because it is safe. They can't be harmed there. I know some Christian teachers there," is so misinformed and dangerous. From kindergarten your children are being taught a humanistic, free sexual, sin tolerant worldview seven hours everyday. The MOST pivotal and vulnerable period of time for you children is early elementary years, NOT, middle school or high school. The Christian school is not capable of replacing an ungodly worldview built into your kids from kindergarten up to grade six.
Invest wisely, mom and dad. It is easy to be temped by the free public school kindergarten after paying pre-school tuition for 2-3 years. But keep this in mind. You can't put a dollar value on a biblical worldview in your children. It has to be seen as an eternal investment in the most prized possessions you have.
Grace and peace to you!
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